Thursday, September 6, 2018

First Week of School

In my head I had a vision of perfectly smooth lessons. A big sister would occupy the little sisters while I would give a lesson. There would not be any fighting or distractions. I set my hopes and dreams way to high.

Not only did this vision not come true but it was no where close. First the husband took a week off. I know that he needed this break from work but did it have to be the first week of school. He wants to be involved in their education (I am so grateful for this), but he was throwing my groove off.  Not that my groove was great to begin with. I have not even finished all the lesson plans. 

The hardest part this year is we have moved from unschooling to Waldorf.  There is so much that I have to learn, while at the same teaching them. I feel like I am walking in fog right now.  I know that we will figure this out. I just wish that I could figure this out faster.

On a good note, we started a new Waldorf Co-op today. It is completely different then the homeschool co-ops we have done in the past. I really like it. It is so much more in line with what I want for the girls. We meet at different parks in the area, yep even on this very hot and humid day. There is nature and movement and song and so much happiness. I am so excited about this.

Tomorrow we are going to the Art Museum. Hopefully the girls can look at art while I sit quietly and finish some lesson plans while surrounded by beautiful pieces of art.


  1. Focus on your rhythm.Tackle new things slowly, don't start too many new things at once. Do everything out of love. Know mistakes will be made. Embrace them. You've got this!

    1. Thanks. This was a trying week. I have to remember to give myself and everyone else with grace.
